Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What is my life all about?

Greeting! It has most certainly been a good while since I last updated my blog. Is blogging even cool anymore? While you think on how you should answer, let me just give you what I have been thinking on in the last little while.

Someone once asked me the question, "Why is finding the will of God for my life so hard?" At the time I had no immediate answer. I simply said, you must know God to know his will. After that quick dialogue I began to ask myself the question as well. How often have I seen young men and women and even the older generation get frustrated about knowing the will of God. We often pray with an honest heart, 'Lord I want to know your will, God what is your will, Show me your will' and more times than not people walk away from an hour long "prayer" meeting without an answer and all the while the entire hour was spent trying to find out, "what is my life all about?"

Many young people spend their prayer time just wanting to know what God wants them to do or where he wants them to go. And although seeking after the mind of God inherently is most certainly not a bad thing at all. But I submit to you that many people want to know the will of God without knowing God. Many want to know his plan but they do not seek the planner. How many times do we treat prayer like a fast-food drive through, where we give our order and expect to have it in a bag with napkins by the time we pull around to the pickup window? The answer is, more often than we would like to admit.

Mat 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Mat 6:34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

In this scripture we find the answer. In order for us to know the will and the plan of God, we must first know God. If you build a relationship with God, you will always be in his will. You wont have to spend all of your time, effort and prayers asking God to show you all the time. When you know God and you have a relationship with him he will keep you in his will and plan and He will reveal his plans to you. For the steps of a good man are ordered of the Lord. When you walk with Jesus you always walk in his will. You don't have to sweat or fret or worry. It's all in who you know.

People who don't have a relationship with God and always pray for the will and plan of God will never be able to fulfill his will, even if God were to reveal it to them. Because you can not know the plan and will of God unless you know him. And the reason this is true is because God's ways are not our ways and neither are his thoughts our thoughts. He is not like man and often his plans make absolutely No Sense at all when you look through the eyes of human flesh. But when you KNOW God, you will understand His plan for your life. In fact, when you really have a good relationship with God your already in His plan for your life. So, next time you kneel to pray, don't spend all your time worried and frustrated. Just know that if you seek after God, all the rest will fall right into place. And that my friend is 'What your life is all about?'


jennifer lord said...

it's TIM!

blogging is probably uncool now but that doesn't stop me! and the explanation that you gave above is what i believe whenever people ask those "mysterious will of God" questions. it almost sounds like a cop-out answer but i think God's will is alot simpler than we imagine.

Mary Frances said...
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Meagan Rowell said...

Hey Bro. Rivers :) Nice to know you have a blog lol! Blogging is still fun and really "cool" ;)

Awesome post. That helped me a lot. If we spend hours in prayer just waiting for God to answer us when(we ask the question "What is Your will?")and at the end of that prayer meeting, there is no answer then maybe we need to get to KNOW God. It all makes sense :)