Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Dream

The loud shrill seemed to have been directed right into his ears, piercing and almost rupturing his ear drums. He threw himself into a half attention position as he tossed the warm comforter off to the side.

‘Come on! Just fifteen more minutes would be great!’ He exclaimed harshly.

He pushed the snooze button of that dreaded, unrestrained and inconsiderate piece of equipment. Then, as though he were in some sort of trance, he slowly lay back again and tried with some frustration to regain his previous position before he was so rudely interrupted. The room grew still again and the sound of a low hum coming from the only vent in the room set the stage for another attempt at going from this normal mundane life into a world filled with peace and everlasting adventure. The room finally grew completely quiet and with a sudden thrust he twisted his body violently and buried his face deep into the cotton filled pillow.

It seemed as though only seconds had past and he was flying through the air and being cheered on by waving parents and excited children. The big yellow ‘S’ on his shirt gave out a bright radiance that seemed to light up the midnight sky and give hope to the hopeless, comfort to the bereaved, richness to the poor, happiness to the saddened, outstretched hands to the desolate, liberty to the bound, peace in the storm, height to the beat down, strength for the weak, fathers for the fatherless, a home for the homeless, sunshine for the withered, healing to the sick, silence to the troubled, fun for the bored, cash for the credit crunched, mortgages for the sub-prime, sugar for the coffee, burger for the bread, ranch for the salad, honey for the ham and everyone seemed to love him. But all this bliss came to an abrupt end when the same familiar noise began to makes its way deep into his ears. The sound of the large tribal gong being beaten to death ferociously once again made its entrance into his head and was able to disrupt him in mid flight.

‘Arrrrgh! Why does that thing always go off at the best part?’ He said through clenched teeth.

With a deep yawn and a full stretch he hopped out of bed with a pep in his step and while wiping his eyes, his stern sleep depraved face gave way to a smirk. The slight smirk was replaced with a full grin as he walked to the sink and turned the water on. His mind traced back through the events that just took place and soon he laughed quietly at the amazing and realistic occurrences that were placed within that ‘Dream.’ He brushed his teeth, freshened up and took care to eat some breakfast before he headed out of the house to begin his work day. All throughout the day he faced challenges and seemingly insurmountable odds and yet he pressed on. He comforted himself in knowing that within just a few more hours, he would be able once again, to leave everything in this world behind and take part in a world where the impossible and unexplainable are the very fractions that are combined to create an integer more commonly known as the ‘Dream.’


Anonymous said...

I thought you were going to say you were late for school or something!!! I was late for work this morning...didn't wake up until 7:16 - yikes!!!

Alyssa Peppers said...

hey whats the youth blog??

Anonymous said...

That was funny. :) I especially liked the sugar for the coffee, ranch for the salad, honey for the ham part.